Ellie Rozinsky Libby Tulin
13558 B Via Flora 1 April Lane
Delray Beach, FL 33484-1390 Nanuet, NY 10954
ellie@ellierozinsky.com LibTulin@gmail.com
(561) 499-0790 (Home) (845) 624-8922 (Home)
(781) 405-1252 (Cell) (914) 629-1802 (Cell)
In just a few weeks, we will hug, laugh, reminisce and reconnect. Thank you for recognizing the importance of our upcoming reunion and making the commitment to attend. As of now, we have over 100 people attending!
By now, many of you have participated in the digital yearbook project. What a fabulous project this is! Make sure you see it before the reunion so you can recognize classmates without looking at their name-tags!
If you haven’t done so yet, don’t delay in sending Dick Mosehauer some current pictures and a brief write-up of life since high school. Forward your info to Dick at rmose@cox.net. Because this is such a time intensive project, we hope you understand that submissions after October 1stmay not be displayed until after the reunion. Dick will do his best to have your bio up and running as soon as possible.
We would like to have a table display of memorabilia from our years at Hall and/or the West Hartford area in the 60’s. Perhaps in the deep recesses of your garage or in a box in the back of your storage closet you have something that we could add to the memorabilia table: an athletic sweater with the blue “H” on it, a wrestling or baseball trophy, a pennant from a 60’s Red Sox game, a picture of a team you played on, one of the hand-sewn outfits we had to wear in Pops and All That Jazz, pictures from previous reunions, a concert program, a graduation brochure, a newspaper article, your fluffy pom-poms from the cheerleading squad, a “45” of your favorite 60’s song, whatever. Just contact Libby at LibTulin@gmail.com and let us know if you have something you’d like to share. Obviously, all items will be returned to the owners, so make sure your items have your name on them. Choose wisely as you don’t want n extra suitcase charge on the airplane, so limit what you bring!
If you are flying into Bradley and don’t intend to rent a car, there will probably be folks at the hotel who can give you a lift for Saturday night. When you attend the Meet and Greet on Friday night, ask around. There’s always Uber and taxis.
A few people have asked us what to wear. Friday night is a very casual night. A lot of folks will have just arrived from traveling. Just be comfy. Saturday night is more cocktail attire. Men do NOT have to wear suits unless they want to and ladies, dress as you like! Just be comfortable. We had some dress codes in high school but we certainly don’t have one for this reunion!
If any of you are interested in playing a game of golf either Saturday or Sunday, please let Mike Zaglool know ASAP at MZaglool23@gmail.com. There is plenty to do in the West Hartford area. Take a stroll down Main Street, visit the new Blue Back shopping area, walk around the old Hall High (they won’t let us tour on weekends as it is now the town hall), visit the new Hall right on Main Street near our event at Wampanoag, eat at one of the many fine restaurants in the center of town, visit Elizabeth Park, go by your old homestead, sit and visit with friends at a park, go bike riding on the fabulous Farmington Valley Heritage Trail. There’s plenty to keep you busy.
If you have any questions prior to or during the weekend, just contact Ellie, or Libby on their cell phones (listed below). We’ll do our best to help you enjoy this special weekend.
Ellie, Karen, and I along with so many wonderful volunteers (especially Dick Mosehauer and Rob Brash) look forward to celebrating with you. See you the weekend of October 13th-15th!
Your planning committee,
Libby Tulin
Ellie Rozinsky
Karen Gross Slater