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The mission of the REACH program is to provide students with an alternative educational experience that cultivates academic, social, interpersonal, and vocational development.  Our curriculum exposes students to issues of diversity, tolerance, acceptance and understanding of others.  Challenging, standards-based academic offerings will prepare students to pursue a variety of post-high school endeavors.  REACH students will participate in curriculum-based and community opportunities designed to help them become engaged, responsible and informed citizens.

bulletin board

REACH is the Alternative High School for both Conard and Hall. With small class sizes of approximately 10 students per class, most regular education students who have struggled in the past find success at REACH. Typical reasons for a referral to REACH include issues with attendance, academics, homework completion, cutting classes, or just a lack of comfort in the larger school environment. Students who attend REACH benefit from guided note-taking and reinforced study skills, as well as more individualized attention. Students remain a member of their home school of Conard or Hall and can continue to participate in all athletics, clubs and other after school activities. Students who attend REACH gain confidence in their own academic abilities, complete required credits for graduation and develop a sense of pride and ownership in the program. There is a collaborative approach to learning with emphasis placed on a student’s independent learning styles and the use of technology to enhance the learning experience. Additionally, students participate in a Career Exploration Program along with a Group Dynamics course, which focuses on social skills, character building and self-exploration. Individual support is available for students on a daily basis from all staff including a School Social Worker. If you are interested in exploring REACH further for your son or daughter, please contact your School Counselor or the REACH Main Office at 860-231-6009.

Meghan Zingle

Assistant Principal, REACH Program Coordinator

Diane Phelan

REACH, Lead Secretary

Beverly Yirigian

REACH, Social Worker/Home-to-School Liaison
860-231-6009 Ext. 6026