Graduation Requirements
Graduation Credit and Categories - Class of 2023 and Beyond
General Humanities (9 credits)
All English, Social Studies, ESOL, Reading Courses
- HSEN English
- HSSS Social Studies
- SARD Assisted Reading
- BSRD Basic Skills Reading
*RE (REACH) and ST (STRIVE) courses in these subjects
Family Consumer Science Courses
- HSFC2491-Intro to Early Childhood
- HSFC4491 Early Childhood Careers & Exploration
- HSFC7500-EMS-Health Careers Exploration
- HSFC2460 Human Relations
- HSFC 6610 Introduction to the Individual/Family Development
Arts/Applied Arts Humanities (.5 credits)
All Arts Courses
- HSAR-Arts
- HSMU-Music
- HSTA-Theater
*RE (REACH) and ST (STRIVE) courses in these subjects
Applied Arts Courses: Family and Consumer Science Courses
- HSFC2470 Introductory Foods
- HSFC4481 Baking & Pastry Arts
- HSFC4470 Culinary Arts
- HSFC6420 Careers in Food
- HSFC7420 Leadership in Culinary Arts
- HSFC4472 Regional & International Cuisine
- HSFC2450 Introduction to Fashions
- HSFC2451 Retail Fashions & Merchandising
- HSTE2411 Graphic Design & Photography I
- HSTE4411 Graphic Design & Photography II
- HSTE8412 Digital Media & Video Production
- HSTE6511 Graphic Design Capstone
World Language (1 credit)
All World Language Courses
- HSLC Chinese
- HSLS Spanish
- HSLF French
- HSLG Greek
- HSLL Latin
- HSLA American Sign
General STEM (9 Credits)
All Math, Science, Computer Science, Technology Ed and Business Ed Courses
- HSMA Math
- SNMA Special Needs Math
- SAMA Assisted Math
- HSSC Science
- HSSC Science
- HSCS Computer Science
- HSTE Technology Education
- HSBU Business Education
*RE (REACH) and ST (STRIVE) courses in these subjects
Humanities or STEM Credits
- HSSS8702 AP Psychology
- HSSS8700 AP Economics
- HSTE2411 Graphic Design & Photography I
- HSTE4411 Graphic Design & Photography II
- HSTE8412 Digital Media & Video Production
- HSTE6511 Graphic Design Capstone
Wellness Education (1 PE/1 HTH)
HSPE7452 9th Grade Wellness (.25 PE/.25 HTH)
HSPE7453 10th Grade Wellness (.25 PE/.25 HTH)
? Personal Fitness & Nutrition
? Lifetime Activities & Sustainable Living
- ? Team Sport & Leadership Concepts and Strategies
- ? Cooperative Physical & Health Education Strategies
- ? Group and Personal Wellbeing
- ? Exploration of Peer & Personal Safety
- ? Transitioning Beyond High School
General Electives (4 Credits)
PowerSchool will add any course to the category of General Electives once students have earned the required number of credits in each of the categories above.
- HSCC5700 AP Seminar
- HSCC7700 AP Research
- HSBU2452 Entrepreneurship: Intro to Business
- HSBU4450 Sports & Entertainment Marketing
- HSBU4452 International Business
- HSBU6450 Student Teaching Assistant
- HSBU6451 Student Teaching Assistant
- HSSA1301 Executive Functioning Study Skills I
- HSSA1302 Executive Functioning Study Skills II
- HSSA1300 Language Arts Content Support I
- HSSA1305 Language Arts Content Support II
- HSSA6060 Career Academic Vocational Experience
- REBS1200 Skills Seminar
- REBU6440 Career Exploration
- REBU6441 Career Internship: Cooperative Work Exp
- REBU6492 Learn thru Internship
- REBU6493 Cooperative Work Experience
- STBS1200 Study Skills
- STSA6061 CAVE Lab
- STSA6060 Career and Vocational Education
- HSSA6070 Vocational/Work Experience I
- HSSA8020 Vocational/Work Experience II
- HSSN0010 Activities of Daily Living
- HSSN0011 Social Skills for Independent Living
- HSSN0030 Vocational Skills for the Workplace
- HSSA6020 Vocational/Work Experience I
- BSBS1200 Skills Seminar
- HSSA1304 Language Arts Content Support II
Mastery Experience (1 Credit)
- HSCC8700 Mastery Experience
HSCC8750 Mastery Experience Seminar