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Hall's Main Hallway in front of Auditorium

Grade 10

Welcome Sophomore Students and Parents!

grade 10

Assistant Principal Assignments: 

Dr. Timothy Kessler: A-F

Mrs. Jillian Carnes: G-N

Mr. Winallan Columbano: O-Z

Important Numbers

Main Office: 860-232-4561

School Counseling Office:
860-232-4561 ext. 5125
Jean Baril, School Counseling Secretary

Attendance: 860-232-4561 ext. 6599 or ext. 5140 - report all absences via the Attendance Office

exterior photo at Hall High School
hallway inspiration

Follow us on X! @whallhigh and Instagram @whallhigh
PowerSchool Portal 
Graduation requirements & course descriptionsSee Program of Studies

Setting Up for Success! What is available for academic support?

  • Academic Resource Center (ARC)
  • Teachers are available to assist with academic issues, study techniques, and extra help outside of class.
  • Peer/Adult Tutors – see your school counselor
  • Library - Open Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays (7am-4pm) and Wednesdays (7am-3pm)

How to get involved?

How can parents help?

  • Encourage healthy habits: nutrition, sleep, finding a healthy “balance” among school and extracurricular activities.
  • Provide a distraction free environment for homework and study time. Monitor technology use.
  • Discuss progress reports and report cards
  • Have open communication with teachers and school counselor - attend school sponsored programs and parent/teacher conferences. Email teachers with specific questions. Contact school counselor regarding any personal and/or academic concerns about your child.
  • Utilize PowerSchool to monitor your child’s academic progress and attendance as needed
  • Support and encourage after school activities
  • Help promote self-advocacy and problem solving skills
  • Allow teens to make mistakes and hold them accountable for poor choices
  • Communicate openly with your child. What are their goals? What are their interests? Who are their friends?