Student Clubs and Publications
Want to meet new people? Want to be part of a cause? Want to make your years at Hall High some of the best of your life? Then join a club!
Being a member of a club at Hall High is a great way to get involved with other students and can be a significant part of an awesome high school experience.
Whether you want to enjoy some down time playing table tennis or chess, or work with like-minded kids to change the world, Hall High's more than 50 clubs have something to offer for everyone.
Clubs meet regularly throughout the school year and welcome new members at any time. Club meetings are read during morning announcements, or you can scan the bulletin boards and monitors throughout the school. To learn about forming a new club, see Mrs. Shaffer in the the Career Center to obtain a new-club form to begin the process.
All clubs and activities (non-athletic related) are handled by the Student Activities Office, located at the end of School Counseling wing in the Career Center. In addition to clubs and activities, information can also be found on: college visits, scholarships and awards, job postings and community activities.
Student Publications